
Food Cart!

We got a food cart! It’s typically used to serve hot dogs out of, but we’re going to use it to serve Asian street food, starting off with steamed pork buns. If it looks familiar, it’s the same type of cart that EAT uses (seen at the Farmer’s Market, and Pot and Box). There is an extremely nice guy in Saline that makes these carts from scratch. Who knew!?

We’re practicing with the cart using Zing employees as guinea pigs over the winter out of it’s temporary home until it stops snowing and gets warmer, then we will be taking it downtown to street corners, and  farmers markets. There is also a possible street cart location behind Downtown Home & Garden where there might be a gathering of different street carts at a permanent outdoor urban garden constructed specifically for this purpose.  Welcome the street cart food scene to Ann Arbor, spring of 2011! (hopefully)

let the revolution begin

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